
Nurse clinics

Nurse Sr Donna Ross is here daily and provides the following services:

  • Blood pressure checks
  • Asthma and diabetes checks
  • Smears
  • Basic health checks
  • Smoking advice
  • Dietary advice
  • Contraceptive advice
  • ECGs
  • Other chronic disease checks
  • 24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring

Healthcare assistants

Our Healthcare Assistant (HCA) is here most days and can provide the following services:

  • Blood pressure checks
  • Diabetes checks (part one)
  • Smoking advice
  • ECGs
  • Flu vaccinations
  • 24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring

Minor surgery

Dr Bowley runs minor surgical clinic every two months to remove lumps, bumps, or moles. Please arrange an appointment with Dr Bowley prior to this clinic to discuss the operation needed.

Well baby clinic

Tuesday (for children under 5 years of age)

A Doctor and Practice Nurse are in attendance. Please contact the surgery to make an appointment. Immunisations are given at this clinic and will normally be done from the age of eight weeks onwards according to the National Guidelines.

Please note that this clinic is for well babies. If your child is ill you will be offered a surgery appointment with the doctor.

Chronic disease management

We monitor patients with certain chronic illnesses very closely and offer check-ups and general lifestyle advice where appropriate. Patients with diabetes and respiratory illnesses will be invited to attend special clinics run by Donna, our Practice nurse.

At present, we also provide a chronic disease management service for patients with heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), previous stroke, hypothyroidism, epilepsy, asthma and certain mental health problems.


Dr Bowley provides a full contraceptive service including coil and cap fittings. Repeat prescriptions for the oral contraceptive pill can be obtained from our practice nurses. Please note we do not provide free condoms but these can be obtained from any community Family Planning Clinic. Contraceptive implants are fitted by Dr Bowley.

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 4th November, 2023